The Woke Mind Virus — Part 2
In Part 1 I argued that while the social justice movement has an at least partially sound origin, its opponents are correct in characterizing it as a problem, or even a mind virus.
Here I want to suggest that this virus will not be stopped by trying to argue against it or by demonizing those who spread it. Viruses only become a problem when they encounter a weak host and bad ideas only spread when they fall on fertile ground.
Most radical movements in history have spread not for a lack of resistance but because they found support in a very frustrated population.
This movement is no different. Many people are deeply frustrated with their overall situation and a flawed social justice movement is one of their outlets. And an increasing number of people is encountering circumstances in their daily life that are not just frustrating but traumatizing, adding fuel to the fire.
This, the wounds and the trauma is what needs to be addressed. Not by giving in to every irrational and counterproductive demand. Not by arguing. But by proactively working on a new system that can hold and heal.