Lesser of two evils
The US presidential election is around the corner and like so often, when we are choosing between two politicians, we are trying to pick the lesser of two evils.
This year, many reasonable people who were previously Never-Trumpers have been converted to Trump supporters. The simple reason is that the Democratic party has become so corrupt and spineless that they have managed to make Donald Trump look like a viable alternative.
John Fetterman, on Joe Rogan’s podcast this weekend, provided the perfect heuristic to explain the rise of figures like Trump and other populists around the world:
“You’re loosing politically, if you’re telling people to not believe what their eyes are seeing”
The Democratic establishment and the political establishment in many other Western countries has been trying to convince people to do exactly that… to suspend disbelief in light of real evidence: “inflation is under control”, “biological sex not important”, “you must trust the science”, “we are fighting forever wars to protect Americans and western ideals”…
If you’re still undecided who your lesser of two evil is, this podcast lays out a very balanced and fair discussion.
Let’s all hope for better options in the future!