Healthy contrarianism
Many of my posts make references to “people” or “society” usually referring to some of the detrimental habits of life and thought we have grown accustomed to.
This publication undoubtedly is contrarian but it is not misanthropic: It’s not out of a disdain for people that I write in this manner, it’s to highlight that I am convinced without the shadow of a doubt that the West is on a deeply troubled path.
But more importantly, what I want to point at is that believing in something better is not utopian, it’s realistic and the path there is completely accessible, even natural.
In fact, there seems to be a hierarchy of possibilities to be unlocked, for humanity to transcend its current trajectory:
- Money — I debated whether money or consciousness should be in first place but I came to the conclusion that the former, in our current situation is even more important. The average person is not able to tap into greater consciousness while living in the current exploitative monetary system, which is causing significant economic and political distress. This is the reason why I view the introduction of sound money as humanity’s most urgent technological project, even before AI.
- Consciousness — Once humanity is able to afford to live in more humane conditions (and yes, unfortunately this is referring increasingly to people in the West), the second most important project is stepping into a non-dualistic world-view. Descartes gave the West a great tool to accrue power, but his thinking also threw us into depression and anxiety. The movement toward Eastern practices of non-dualism has already begun but needs to be accelerated and broadened.
- Health — I suspect that this third most important element of the next stage of human development will take care of itself as 1) and 2) are addressed. However, it’s worth calling out here, again, that our current view of human health is in a dead-end. What we need to embrace is a new paradigm of individual responsibility, holistic and preventative healthcare.
In other words, when you read these posts, my hope is that they can primarily feel aspirational, rather than judgmental.